Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fridge Cupboard?

Hi all (and by all I mean nobody because I have no followers as yet so I feel stupid writing this to myself but if I never write anything I'll never get any followers and have to write a post but then feel silly about writing a post to no one and find myself in an infinite loop- so I have just sucked it up and am writing to nobody/ future follows)
Perhaps more fittingly:
Hello people of the future/ later today when I get followers (fingers crossed)

I have decided to start a blog and throw myself out onto the interwebs joining an already crowded industry, but why not. Even if I get no followers (which hopefully I can do and maybe make some money from advertising) I'm at least filling my days.
See I have a scholarship-god knows how I assure you, as you will find out, that I am not super smart. They may have graded the wrong persons examination and award it to me so I thank the dyslexic** exam marker who obviously messed up the student ID in their head. Anyway so I have a scholarship which means I have to do a year worth of UNPAID industry placement. So if I can get some money from advertising that would make living slightly easier as opposed to having to work 40 hours weeks and then on weekend for money. A blog is clearly a better option than selling myself on street corners and far safer.
Said internship is also incredibly boring and lacking actual work. So I spend most of my days on stumble upon and have come across this awesome blog
here. It has entertained me for days and I thought why not? I can do that! And now it means that sounds from my desk are typing not just laughter and they may think I'm doing actual work.

So why Fridge Cupboard you ask? Well I started to google "What should I Call" when I was bombarded with "Dog, Kitten, Baby, Puppy, baby quiz, fish, car, blog". Then I decided ah fridge cupboard it! So hence the name.
Still confused?
Well I grew up with a pretty strict mother who was against swearing. But bad things happen and you want to swear. So I'd hit myself on something and say "fffff" then catch mothers deathly stage and one day came out with "fridge cupboard!" It's kind of stuck.
Also if you google Fridge Cupboard you will find some quite feisty debates about where typical household items belong. I've had this Tomato Sauce argument many a times. Fridge or cupboard?

So hopefully my first post didn't suck too much, but even if it did please stick around because it can only get better!

*La? What the hell kind of name is la? Well I'll tell you. I may on occasion say things about people (people I know I'm not just going to slander celebrities and randoms) that could offend them so I'm going by La. Although I guess that may be a give away to the people who know me anyway!
Also I was wondering how many names actually end in La or if straight away you'll guess my name. And no it's not Abdulla.
**And no offence to anyone out their who is dyslexic, I have a lot of trouble with words too so you'll have to excuse my spelling mistakes at times- it's really not my fault! But you'll be pleased that I have no capatcha's on my comments sections. I do this because whenever I have to fill out one I constantly get it wrong and am continually trying to type the letters I see in the box, which quite often it seems are not that actual letters in the box. I'm sure that these will soon be out ruled and become PC if enough people complain. So please don't flood my comments with spam when I am just been nice to our dyslexic counterparts.

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Hello commenters of the world.
Feel free to speak your mind and have some fun with me. I'll try write back where I can.
Decent humans only though- no abuse! If you don't fit this criteria I probably don't need you reading my blog anyway!