Sunday, April 18, 2010

Follow on

I got very excited today because I have my first follower! Now I am writing to someone not just to myself- I am no longer insane!

My followers name is Elliot, which I assume is a male. However Elliot from scrubs is a woman. This got me thinking about an ongoing debate between Cameron and I.
Cameron is a girls name. Not exclusively, but it can be as well. Don't believe me? Obviously the most common Cameron is Cameron Diaz, but how about this Cameron. It's even a recognised name in baby books It's even in the top 10 UNISEX names in America.

I recently sold some text books on Cameron's account since I'm not at uni anymore. Some people didn't want to meet on campus so I decided to go to those ones myself and save Cameron the trouble. I answered the phone when people were calling "Cameron" and no one seemed surprised that I was a girl (and I assure you that my voice does not sound like a man). When I met up with people to exchange books that I had only texted they were not surprised that I was a girl (and I assure you even more that I do not look like a man at all). I have also managed to convince people that my name is Cameron. No one even questions me, although I guess it would be pretty embarrassing to second guess people...

The only time someone questioned me about this is when I said my name was Cameron, then the real Cameron showed up a bit later...

So I think from now on I will only use coed names in my posts just to confuse you more.
Look forward to be reading stories about:
-Shaun (Yes, I actually know a chick called Shaun, not ShaunA)

FYI Coed is a name! I figured this out when googling "coed baby names". What a strange, strange name.

Sorry my drawings are crap. I'm really horrible at drawing I'll try get better. Seriously though people abuse me in isketch. But really I'm an awesome drawer and they are just crap at understanding me! A dog and a marijuana leaf. How do you not get Snoop Dog?


  1. So I'm not sure just where to begin...but I'm glad I got to be first!

    Elliott, in my case, has two T's, which makes me more uncommon. I am a male, and I've only met male El(l)iot(t)s of any spelling.

    When I hear the name Cameron, I think "You're not dying, Cameron, you just can't think of anything better to do."

    But I've known a female Shawn, a male Kelly, a male Tracey, and plenty of Chris's on both sides of the gender line.

    And I'd love to have you drop by my place, - things are a little slow since work has actually taken precedence this month, but there's always something going on.

  2. I'm happy that you were the first but now there are two! Making me even happier! And someone Shared one of my posts lol *estatic!*

    Ah Ferris Buller's Day Off. Classic. Such an awesome movie. Sure it was released before I was born but I still have seen is at least 7 times.

    I had a quick look at your blog then got pretty busy with work but I followed it so I can easy see what's going on and be entertained :)


Hello commenters of the world.
Feel free to speak your mind and have some fun with me. I'll try write back where I can.
Decent humans only though- no abuse! If you don't fit this criteria I probably don't need you reading my blog anyway!