Sunday, September 12, 2010

The 4 phases of Costume Parties

Costume parties are a great idea in theory; much like communism and love. But in reality they don't work. I've identified the 4 phased of a costume party.

Phase 1: Excitement
You receive the invite and are excited about all the possibilities of what you can wear, and who will go as what. Your brain gets flooded with ideas.

Phase 2: Stress
You soon realize that a costume will cost money. And you don't want to spend $80 on something you will only wear once and return.
You start thinking that you are not tall/ short, skinny/ fat, blond/ brunette, tan/pale enough to go as your chosen character and don't want to look stupid. You begin to stress because something that seemed to have many possibilities now only has a few that are feasible for you to pull off.

Phase 3: The Choice
You decide on a costume and either buy it or make something yourself.
If you've made a costume you discover that the raw materials, time and effort have actually cost you more than hiring a costume would have. You become stressed and angry that the costume isn't turning out the way you wanted because you forgot you have no talent, and have no idea why you thought that you did.

Phase 4: The Party
Someone else at the party is wearing the same thing as you and looks better. You feel like an idiot. You drink lots and have an awesome time.
You remember that so and so's costume party was loads of fun and the next time someone has one the cycle begins again.

I think if I have to buy/ make a costume for your party, you get a crappier present than you would have otherwise : )

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