Sunday, May 16, 2010

If I were Elin Woods

Cameron knows that if he ever even thought about cheating on me I would absolutley kill him. I'm talking stabbing him prision style 7 times in the back and then gutting him like a fish and cutting off any appendages that take my fancy.

If he cheated on me I would not even consider taking him back for a second (mainly because he would be disfigured from been stabbed, gutted like a fish and missing appendages that would take my fancy in a relationship).

I especially wouldn't take him back if he slept with 58 other women!

If I was Elin I would have an interesting trophy of my own. One that I would describe to the kids as "Daddy's Rocket Shaped Trophy that he gave to mummy...and 58other women..."

That would take the Wood out of Tiger.

I think if she does decide to stay with him, there is one way to guarentee that we will never cheat on her again.

Move to Dubai.

Even if he does cheat again adultery in Dubai is illegal, meaning she would reap all the rewards of his money while he spent the rest of his life in jail for consecutive sentances. It is also illegal to stare at or touch unknown women so there are so more offenses there. It is illegal to drive with ANY alcohol in your blood so the sentances just keep coming.
Although Elin better watch out too as it is illegal to leave the scene of a traffic accident which probably includes smashing a car with a golf club.

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